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The website and the uvic.cat domain correspond to the Balmes University Foundation, proprietor of the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC), with Tax Identification Code G58020124 and registered address at Carrer Perot Rocaguinarda, 17, Vic (postcode 08500), telephone number 938 861 222,and email address universitatdevic@uvic.cat and website www.uvic.cat. The Foundation is no. 150 in the Register of Foundations of the Generalitat of Catalonia.
The information provided through this website does not replace that of the website of the Foundation or the channels and platforms of the website of the Foundation, which is the only website with full legal validity.
The Balmes University Foundation is not responsible for the content, accuracy and updating of information originating from other people listed on the website or referred to through links or other systems.
The website and its contents, including texts, images, graphics, databases and any other material, are made available to the public to provide information and offer services within the framework of the competencies and functions of the Foundation. Some of these contents of the Foundation or third parties who have authorised their use on this website are subject to intellectual property rights.
In general, and unless expressly stated otherwise in particular cases, the reproduction, distribution and public communication of the contents of this website may be carried out as long as the source is acknowledged. However, the contents may not be used for commercial uses nor may derivative works be made without the express authorisation of the Foundation.
These terms apply to the contents of the copyrighted website and are summarised under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 Licence (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
Designs and logos that identify the Foundation may only be reproduced and used with prior authorisation or to identify activities that have the explicit support of the Foundation. The Foundation also authorises non-profit uses for educational, research, study or cultural communication purposes.
In the exercise of its powers, the Foundation processes personal data. This website and the website of Vic City Council contain forms that allow the Foundation to collect data. The forms provide information on the purposes of data collection and the main aspects of data processing. At the top of this page is the Legal Notice and Data Protection tab, which provides information on the Foundation data protection policy.
The Foundation informs you that this website uses cookies that allow more efficient, faster communication between the user and the website. The validity of these cookies is limited to the time required to achieve these goals. Users may configure their internet browsers for detailed knowledge and control of cookies. Prior notice of cookie use is always given. For more information about cookies, see the Cookies Policy tab at the top of the page.
The Foundation is not responsible for any damage or injury caused to users of its website that may arise from interference, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, overloading of lines, breakdowns or disconnections, when the causes are beyond its control. The Foundation does not accept responsibility for damages that may be caused by others due to unlawful interference beyond the control of the Foundation. Whenever reasonably possible, the University will provide prior notice of interruptions to the website and associated services.
The entity responsible for data processing is the Balmes University Foundation, proprietor of the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC), with address at Carrer Perot Rocaguinarda, 17 de Vic (postcode 08500), Tax Identification Code G58020124, telephone (+34 938 861 222), e-mail dpd@uvic.cat, entered as no. 150 in the Register of Foundations of the Government of Catalonia.
The Balmes University Foundation is a partner in the following organisations, which complement its range of services and functions:
The Balmes University Foundation is also responsible for data processing of students and teachers of the Bages University Foundation and the Elisava Foundation, teaching centres that are part of the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia. And the data of students and teachers of the following affiliate centres:
The Data Protection Officer (DPD) is the person who oversees compliance with UVic-UCC data protection policy and ensures that user rights are protected. The DPD’s functions include responding to any questions, suggestions, complaints or grievances from data subjects. You can contact the Data Protection Officer in writing at the postal address of the institution, by telephone or at dpd@uvic.cat.
We carry out personal data processing with due regard to the rights of individuals and in a proportionate manner. This implies that we conduct processing of appropriate and relevant data limited to the explicit purpose for which we collected it; we only process the data needed for the educational services that are our mission. In some cases more data is required, for example, to ask you to rate our services. Such answers are treated statistically and separately from data identifying respondents.
We process personal data primarily to provide academic and complementary services, to send communications regarding our activities and services, and for business relationships with our suppliers. Below we list the main purposes for which data is collected.
The Balmes University Foundation registers the data of applicants that go on to enrol to keep a record and, on this basis, to provide higher education services. The data provided and resulting from academic activity allows for monitoring and serves as a basis for evaluation. Management of student academic records is the main data processing. Student data is also used for administration, to identify students as users of University services, to facilitate access to these services, to send information of interest, to process and to issue certificates and to monitor job placement.
The Foundation records data to answer queries from people who use the contact forms on our website. This data is only used for this purpose.
We collect and retain curriculums of those interested in working with us and also process personal data for staff selection processes in order to analyse the suitability of candidates for vacancies. We retain the data of those who are not hired for a maximum period of one year, in case a new position arises in the short term. However, in the latter case we immediately delete data if the person concerned requests it.
With the explicit permission of each student, once they have completed their courses, we use their contact details to send them information about our services and activities. With your permission we also send information about activities from other institutions in our group. This information is also sent to those who ask for it, despite not having enrolled at the Balmes University Foundation.
We record and process the data of suppliers of goods and services. Such data may be details of self-employed people or company representatives. We only collect the data necessary to maintain the business relationship.
The existence of video surveillance cameras at points of access to our premises is indicated by means of approved signs. The cameras record images only of spaces where this is needed to ensure the safety of people and property. The images are only used for this purpose.
The navigation system and software that make possible the operation of our website collect data that is ordinarily generated in the use of internet protocols. Among other items in this category is the IP address or domain name of the computer used by the person connecting to the website. This information is not associated with specific users and is used for the sole purpose of obtaining statistical information on the use of the website. Our website uses cookies that facilitate navigation and provide us with information about users and their interests.
We also obtain data through face-to-face relationships and other channels such as email, app downloads, blog comments, blog subscriptions or our social media channels. In all cases, the data is only used for the explicit purposes that justify collection and processing.
The data processing we carry out has a variety of legal bases, depending on the nature of the processing. To classify the main data processing we carry out, we follow the legal bases of Article 6.1 of the General Data Protection Regulation.
Once admitted, students at the Balmes University Foundation receive educational services. The provision of services to students is a contractual relationship, with obligations for each party: the student has the right to receive good training and the Balmes University Foundation has the right and obligation to process their data. This treatment has its legal basis in Spanish Organic Law 6/2001, of 23 December, on Universities, Catalan Law 1/2003, of 19 February, on Universities in Catalonia, and regulations giving effect to these two laws.
In this case, we collect data from people interested in the courses of the Balmes University Foundation. For other reasons, with similar legitimacy, we process the data of potential clients or suppliers prior to the formalisation of a contractual relationship. We also process data from people who have sent us their CVs or who are involved in selection processes.
This refers to relationships with our clients and suppliers and to all uses of the data that these business relationships entail.
The provision of higher education services obliges us to comply with various regulations for data processing. The Balmes University Foundation passes data from its students to public higher education authorities responsible for recognising and issuing degree certificates for courses. In fulfilment of legal obligations (tax regulations) we also communicate data to the tax authorities. In fulfilment of legal obligations, if required, we would also communicate data to judicial bodies or to the security forces.
When we send information about our activities we use contact details with the explicit consent of the recipient. We also ask for consent to obtain browsing data from individuals who visit our website, consent that can be revoked at any time by deleting cookies.
We treat video surveillance camera images on the basis of the legitimate interest of our institution in preserving our assets and facilities. Our legitimate interest also justifies the processing of the data we obtain through contact forms, and the data of individuals who comment on blogs or install our app.
As a general rule we only communicate data to comply with legal obligations. In previous sections we have outlined the communication of student data that is required for provision of educational services, and of our clients and suppliers in order to carry out commercial activities. Student contact information may be shared with other institutions in our group only if the student has authorised it.
Data transfers are only made outside the European Union (international transfer) to manage international mobility of students and to respond to job offers from non-European companies. In both cases, processing is based on the student's consent.
For certain tasks we obtain the services of companies or individuals who provide us with their experience and specialist skills, and they occasionally have access to personal data. As established in the General Data Protection Regulation, this is not a transfer of data, but a processing order. We only contract services from companies that ensure compliance with these regulations. When the contract is signed, confidentiality obligations are formalised and performance is subsequently monitored. This could be the case for server hosting services, computer support services, or legal, accounting and tax advice. Detailed information on the identity of these companies can be obtained at dpd@uvic.cat.
Data retention time is determined by various factors. Conservation is mainly influenced by whether the data continues to be necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected in each case. Secondly, data is retained to deal with possible responsibilities of the Balmes University Foundation for data processing and to meet any requirements of public authorities or judicial bodies.
Therefore, data must be kept for the time necessary to preserve its legal or informative value and prove compliance with legal obligations, but not for a period longer than necessary for the purposes of processing (the "limitation of the retention period” is also a requirement of the General Data Protection Regulation). In the case of information accrediting training received by students, the data is kept permanently to preserve the rights of the students concerned.
In certain cases, such as the data contained in accounting and invoicing, tax regulations require it to be kept until the institution is no longer liable in this matter. The regulations governing foundations specify that certain accounting data must be kept for ten years (in compliance with Spanish Law 10/2010, of 28 April).
Data treated exclusively upon consent of the person concerned is kept until the person revokes consent.
Images obtained by video surveillance cameras are kept for a maximum of one month, although in the event of of an incident they may be retained for the time necessary to facilitate the actions of the security forces or judicial bodies.
Regulations governing the conservation of public documentation and the decisions of evaluation panels are key factors when deciding on the conservation or elimination of data relating to the exercise of services in the public interest.
As provided for in the General Data Protection Regulation, individuals whose data is processed have the following rights:
The rights we have listed can be exercised by sending a request to the Balmes University Foundation by post or by any other means of contact indicated above.
If you do not receive a satisfactory response when exercising your rights, you may lodge a complaint with the Catalan Data Protection Authority, through its forms and other channels on its website (www.apd.cat).
In all cases, whether submitting complaints, requesting clarification or sending suggestions, you may contact the Data Protection Officer at dpd@uvic.cat.